Jan 8, 2014

A whore, or not a whore. . . that is this discussion.

Welcome dear reader into our inner womb. Here at the Whorebag Express we have a very important topic to address first up. Now a word of warning, this blog isn’t going to be like others. For we have four whores that are more than willing to excrete the truth on any and all subjects. This topic, like many, will be a discussion amongst us all. So grab a bottle of rum, and tune your nipple clamps to our channel.

Obviously we have a whoreish theme here, because we are all whores in our own ways. This is what unites us all. The word is not an insult to the women who author this blog, however society as a whole still views the word as derogatory. Why is that? Why is it that a woman is labeled a ‘whore’ when she takes men into her slickness without the confines of a relationship, and men don’t?

I don’t call myself a feminist. I’m not interested in the pendulum swinging from men, to women on social issues. Rather, for a standard of behavioural acception for all. If having multiple sexual partners is shunned upon (which it shouldn’t be, but we’ll save that for another day) then why is it only women who take the heat for it? Men are patted on the back, cheered and revered amongst their peers for promiscuous behaviour.

I think it’s up to us, the whoreish women, and all women to make a change to societies views. We need to own our sexuality and be proud of that side of ourselves just as we are with academic achievements. Yes I love sex. Why buy the sailor, when I can just enjoy his rum balls?

Yes, Wench, this is still a problem. However, I don’t believe it to be as big of a problem as it used to. I believe that casual sex (depending on where you live and who your peers are) is more socially acceptable today, than it was only ten years ago - for both men and women.

Although, the literal meaning of the word is prostitute, it isn’t necessarily used that way. I find I use it in the terms of someone having, or enjoying, an excess of something. People refer to themselves as various types of whores. Book whores, are people who love books, have many and/or read a lot of them. (Like all of us here on this blog) People whores, are over social people who have a lot of friends and/or need a large social circle. There are many more and I’m not the only one who use these terms. So, as you can see, the use of the word has changed.

Stereotypes, racism, discrimination, all that and more, will be around as long as we (the humans) are around. The ability to speak is the one thing we have that no other species has. It’s what sets us apart. The ability to form words is one of our great accomplishments, yet, can be used as harsh weapons. I think the trick is to not let these words bother us, and assume the roles others try to put us in. Because we’ll never be able to change their opinion and beliefs.

Well, maybe in a few thousands of years. . . SIKE!

In other words, you’re only that dirty whore if you want to be. I say, if you want to be a whore, be a whore. Just don’t be stupid, protect yourself, and understand the consequences of your actions. Because you’re the one who lives with the reflection. If you can sleep with ten dudes in a day, and look at yourself in the mirror at the end of it, who cares what the fuck others think? Your conscience is personal to you, and therefore, so is your shame.

Besides, if we want to get to the root, it’s not our problem (us whores) anyway. It’s men’s issues. They created whores. Fuckers.

Hi, my name is Madame Elizabeth Vail and I’m a book whore, food whore, coffee whore, and headache medicine whore (just to name a few) and fucking okay with that.

The age old debate.

Why are women called whores when they sleep around, but men are not?

Many have debated this question over the years, but what I believe it comes down to at the end of the day after looking at the cultural, moral and religious perspectives is plain old fear not only by men but women as well.

To make it simple: A woman who owns her sexuality and revels in it, is a threat.

She is a threat to a male because no male wants to be compared to another and found to be lacking. In technique. In stamina and definitely not in size. Though that can be a debate for another day. When most males find themselves in the presence of a woman who is experienced and knows what gets her off, they tend to deflate. So they call her a whore to soothe and pet their own egos.

Now on the flip side. I do believe that in this day and age most females can respect a woman who chooses to experience all she can on her own terms, but for those who are unable to they are also at fault for continuing the age old tradition of calling a woman a whore. They are threatened by her because she holds knowledge that they don’t and in most cases are afraid to go after themselves but instead of admitting it and giving the woman props and hell even taking the time to get to know her and see what it is about that makes her that strong, they call her a whore to make themselves feel better and effectively “Put her in her place” at the bottom of the barrel when really they are at the bottom.

I agree with my sisters in whoredom, there is nothing wrong with taking the bull by the horns and living your life the way you want. Hell I praise and give props to those that do without apology, just be safe whilst pursuing that which brings you pleasure. You only have one life and one body so protect yourself, don’t fuck with it by playing russian roulette with your health because in the end the only person you can blame for it’s demise is yourself.

I love that you used the word ‘threat’, Gypsy. That is a large part of it. Women have always loved to judge and put down each other. As Madame said, men created the word, so women have jumped on that wagon as fast as they can to use it as a weapon against each other.

‘Whore’ is just one of many labels that are used for sexuality. There’s a whole gambit that is used to place an individual in one box or another. I for one am against these labels, period. Sexuality doesn’t need to be tagged with a name. It’s fluid and changes with each person as they grow, mature, and experience. What a person needs/desires at each point in their life is different. These labels are never one size fits all. Do away with the labels, my fellow whores. You are a sexual being, isn’t that enough?

Sure, society is a lot more understanding of these labels than they have been in the past. But that still doesn’t change the fact that a lot still have a derogatory connotation attached. Madame made a good point about shame being an internal thing, I agree whoreheartedly with that. Only I can feel my shame, I am the one in charge of whether I accept or despise a behaviour of mine.

Sorry, Gypsy, there is no discussion; size does matter!

And I can’t say I agree with the “threat” thing. Not anymore. I believe that the liberation of women has without a doubt, surged the power of the pussy. The porn industry is evident of that. Look at erotica. Both, are all about the sexual beast that is. . . woman.


And lets be real, the hate for women who are promiscuous has to come from other women, because no man in their right fucking mind would really want to do away with prostitution and/or porn.

That is what I meant, Wench, when I said that men created them. I wasn’t speaking in terms of the word itself, although it could very well be a man that created the word, I was talking about the industry. It’s no secret that men pay more for sex than a women ever will. We don’t really need to. My theory: Men needed another warm, wet place to stick their dicks. Women got tired of giving the shit up for free. And TA DA! Prostitutes/ whores were born.

Whores have to exist, without them, I can’t use kick ass insults like, vagina peddler, curb jockey, the walking laid, and so many more. HA! I mean, who the fuck else are we going to throw pennies at?

I know, horrible joke. What can I say, I AM that type of woman. I’d totally be a pimp if it was a legal trade in the state I live in.

Why Madam, that doesn’t surprise me in the least, although that could be because, I myself am a self-proclaimed retired whore. I have throughout the years had my share of boudoir (and not so boudoir) encounters. I have had one on one encounters as well as multiple partner experiences and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Some people might be ashamed about this kind of behaviour, others might brush it off as the impetuousness of youth, but me? Nope, I’m neither ashamed nor brushing off my past. In actuality, I’m kinda proud of it. I may have been labelled a whore because I like sex, but it has never bothered me. If anything, I’d say it’s a compliment. I can’t understand the irrational and somewhat convoluted stigma that comes along with being labelled a whore.

I read a lot. I’m talking about a whole lot. I’m more than a little obsessed with it, throwing myself into some magical, mystical fairy tale of drama and sex with a happily ever after thrown in at the end. In fact if it has romance and sex, then I’m interested, but through all the books I’ve read, the women who are painted as or called whores are always the women who are strong, know what they want and will go after it determinedly, with passion out the wazoo. Sure, like most women they have insecurities and issues, something in their pasts that led them on this journey that some people seem to believe is self-harming, but the thing I love is that they never apologize for who or what they are. They don’t let the small mindedness of other’s opinions veer them from flaunting their sexuality and confidence.

Call me naïve, small minded or plain dumb if you wish, but if being strong, independent, passionate, sexually adventurous, tenacious and confident are the qualities of being a whore, then hell, sign me up! Isn’t that how we’re supposed to raise our children these days? To be fearless, know what they want and go after it? To be proud of who they are and where they come from and to be accepting of others? Yes, I may be using fictional examples, but even in the real world, friends and people I know who have been tagged with that stigma still have all those same qualities that I admire and wish to pass on to my own daughter.

We’re always told to do the things you love, well some of us love sex. In sex, like with everything else in the world there are a minority, a majority and those in between, some people get emotions confused with sex, some need emotions to be involved to enjoy sex, and others just plain enjoy the physical act. Personally, I’m a mix of the last two. Sometimes I just want to do it, raw, animalistic and hard, others I need the softer emotional side, but the point I’m trying to get across here is that not everyone who is labelled a whore goes out and gets laid to feel like they're loved or whole or just to feel anything at all. But, once again, I’m brought around to the contradiction of being labelled a whore. I mean, we’re told to do the things we love, but those of us who love sexual and sensual play are called whores. It just seems like we’re sending double messages out here. Which is it? Do what you love or do what society believes is appropriate? Personally, I’m going to do what I love and lets face it, I love me some cock.

People are stupid and they confuse the word whore with slut. A whore is smart, and gets paid for her vagina. A slut sucks cock in the back of a pickup truck going fifty miles an hour, and walks away broke and hungry.

Lady Scarlet, I love you, you slut. :P Also, bring on the rough and dirty.

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