Jan 17, 2014

A tale of two roosters, NOT hens.

Cunty McBoobies, her timeless tale. She is torn between two strapping and dominant men. Long Jock Silver has a soft heart, and firm hands. While, Dollar Bill, not only has deep pockets, and could take care of her, but also a multiple of other charming qualities. Oh, what a world! What will she do? Who will she chose?

I have to say, I am very curious about this. It’s something I’ve always questioned, and therefore, I’ve asked the whores to discuss it with me. All of them are better versed in the romance and erotica field. They have all read ten times more than me.

I haven’t read a lot of romance, or erotica, I’ll admit that. Those genres are not my go to fiction. I’ll also admit, I love a good fictional love triangle, there is no doubt about that, but why is it most are female leads who are stuck with a CHOICE between two males? Why isn’t there more storylines of a man who has a choice of two females being written?

Oh fuck Vail. You made me choke on and spit out my special brand of happy juice. Cunt McBoobies? Now if that ain’t a fucking brilliant name for a porn star.

But as an avid reader of erotica, porn or my least favorite new title “Mommy Porn” I have read and enjoyed my fair share of menages. Whether it be where the woman gets sexed up by both in an effort for her to only choose one, or she gets both in the end and I heartily believe that there are more stories about two males and one female because the mass majority of women who read the genre love the idea of a woman having to choose between two men.

This particular brand of smex gives the woman the power and makes the men step up, whether it be in bed ~ where most issues work themselves out when it comes to the erotica genre ~ or in doing the silly, simple things that make a woman feel special.

It’s all about the fantasy of a man wanting and willing to do whatever it takes to prove to the woman that she is his everything. His sunshine. His reason for living. And of course the only woman his cock will ever get rock hard for.

“Mommy porn”, way to label a literature genre, fuckers. That chaps my ass. In our last post we spoke about labels and here we find there is yet another label to contend with. Only, I bet this one is worn proudly by the women that bear it. So, let me get this straight, it’s not okay if we call you a whore, but it’s totally okay to read a genre of literature known as, "mommy porn"?

Let me stop, before I get off subject.

You’re saying that women would rather read, and fantasize about having the choice than being the chosen? Sure seems that way with the volume of F/M/M books out there. And I find that absolutely interesting.

I think Gypsy hit the nail on the head, it’s because the majority of readers of the genre are women. There is certainly a larger number of women who will be all over the idea of two men pleasing her, than a man and another woman.

Personally, I enjoy the female figure. I’m happy to watch porn where a woman is being pleasured by a man, my reading in the erotica genre tends to lean the same way. Generally I will read a menage, however I won’t seek them out. Regardless of how many women are, or are not, involved.

I think the concept has been grossly over fictionalised. There was a time where I read, and enjoyed them. It was more of a novelty. Now I just roll my eyes at the unrealistic aspects of it. Fucking around is one thing, but the HEA involving the three-way/four-way? Whores please. I think we’ve gone well off the deep end and got lost in the sexual fantasy realm.

Books with two women, and one man wouldn’t sell. It’s that simple. The genre is targeted directly at hetrosexual women. They won’t buy the books if there is an over balance on the female side. Fiction is a business. Always remember that.

 I think the point of erotica IS sexual fantasy. Also, can I please point out that a menage means members of a household, and therefore a menage a trois is three people who LIVE TOGETHER, having sex with each other.

I agree Wench, most of the time I find I roll my eyes at erotica until my fucking head hurts. At least porn don’t paint some weird, pretty picture about the business of sex and the act of it. I mean lets face it, I don’t care how loose a woman is, when a guy shoves his thingy up your buttocks, it’s a surprise.

When I read the opener at the top, I did think you were talking about me, then I of course, read on…

As you all know, I’m an obsessive reader of this type of literature. And though we shouldn’t put a label on it, “Mommy Porn” is exactly what it is. It’s apparently more socially acceptable for women with a husband and children to read and use a vibrator to get off than it is for her to sit in front of a computer screen and watch it whilst fingering herself -- Which is a whole other topic that I’m not going to get into, but as for the whole M/F/M love triangle or ménage; it is like Gypsy and Scuttlecunt said, the idea of a woman being so lusted after that her pussy must be made of the finest whiskey and her breasts pour the best brewed beer a man will ever taste or desire. That they simply cannot function without being able to think of how tight her cunt and/or ass is around their cock, this is according to the market, what women wish to read. And since majority of readers are women, and majority of romance/erotica authors are women, it seems to be that this is the trend.

However, I’m currently reading a story that is F/M/F, not in a true ménage sense, but in the sense that they hook up with this stripper every now and then, and I have to say that it’s freakin’ hot and refreshing for someone like me who has had those kinds of experiences. And let’s face it, most group sex scenes are usually two chicks and a dick. I guess it’s the same as why males in books are portrayed the way they are. It’s all a fantasy, a bedtime story for women to dream about, cause the reality is that if two men were both vying for my attention, sure, I’d propose a three way, but the reality would be that they’d both probably get seriously pissed off and either bash the shit out of each other (which, yes, I admit, would be a turn on) or leave in disgust whilst muttering about what a slut I am. Either which way, give me more F/M/F stories I say!!!

I really don’t like the term ‘Mommy Porn’. Why? Because the romance and erotica industry spend their time trying to remove stigma, and labels. The genre has a taboo about it. I often find writers ranting on social media about how they are oppressed for being erotica writers. About how their writing is considered second class because of its genre.

Yet here we are with a self made label. I’m not arguing the porn aspect, but in all honesty ‘mommy’ doesn’t even truly represent the readers of the genre. If this industry wants to stop being judged, then they need to stop judging themselves.

To rewind just a bit to Madame Vail’s “So you’re saying that women would rather read, and fantasize about having the choice than being the chosen? Sure seems that way with the volume of F/M/M books out there. And I find that absolutely interesting.”
It is, but think about it. The woman in the F/M/M situation has already been told/shown by the men that she is their choice, so now she gets to make the final decision, which of course leads to much inner emotional turmoil that can be grating on ones nerves depending on how the author handles it, but in the end she ends up with the ultimate power. That is the fantasy.

Lady Scarlett I think you’ll need to pass along that book you’re reading.

And I am in full agreement that “Mommy” is definitely not a true representation at all, hence why I hate that fucking term. I may not wave my “I read erotica” flag for everyone to see but if you ask me what I’m reading I’ll tell you straight up. And if they get that stupid fucking “Oh” look on their faces as if they can’t believe I actually owned up to reading the genre, I offer to send ‘em a copy.

I don’t feel like there is any shame in it. I may purchase most of my vast erotica collection as ebooks, but if I end up falling in love with the story I’ll go out and buy it, in person, not online, with a big ass smile on my face.

Scuddlecunt, I don’t think it’s the industry that is putting the label on themselves, as much as I think it’s the readers. I think the label is hideous. Can I add how fucking creepy it is to have the words mommy and porn back-to-back. It is disgusting, and the person who thought of it first should be smacked with a dictionary. It should cost them at least a row of teeth.

And I don’t agree with Lady Scarlett. I don’t think the women who read erotica feel it’s okay to masturbate with their free hand. I mean, call me stupid, but I didn’t realize we live in a world where masturbating one way is more acceptable than another. I was always under the impression as long as you were NOT in public, all systems are go.

I guess I get it. A storyline with a woman who has a choice between two men is more appealing emotionally, and sexually, than a man with a choice of two women. And that was a very valid point, Gypsy. I clearly didn’t see it that way.

From a sexual standpoint, two cocks is too many in my book. Directing two at once I imagine is like working in a room full of toddlers. Because really, both men knowing exactly what to do, and where. . . that is the real fiction.

PS: Scarlette, a whisky tasting vagina and beer pouring from a womans tits wouldn’t be appealing to anyone, but a fucking alcoholic. EW! 

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